Engaging Men

PWN Milan believes it is time for a new dialogue between men, women, and all genders on how we achieve gender balance in the workplace and at home.

How can your organization make faster progress in gender balance in the workplace? One crucial element is engaging male leaders and colleagues.

A Harvard Business Review survey shows that gender progress reaches a remarkable 96% when men are involved while, without their engagement, that progress falls to a mere 30%. We are delighted to announce the second edition of the Engaging Men program, an initiative to engage male allies and develop a dialogue with them on the role they can play as change agents to support gender balance.

Our 2023 program takes our work with Engaging Men to the next level, as we will:

  • Focus on the research that shows the benefits to men and particularly male leaders from engaging in DEI and gender balance
  • Support male leaders to develop their skills as inclusive leaders and very powerfully engage them by highlighting the benefits for them in their careers and in their personal lives
  • Highlight the Voice of Women and enhance the awareness of these male leaders to the barriers and challenges women face in the workplace
  • Tie this into how women and men can support each other to achieve greater impact. 

The program will comprehend 1 Kick-Off, 2 Workshops, and 1 final event, delivered by Robert Baker, Diversity & Inclusion Expert, CEO Potentia Talent Consulting Ltd, as per the following:

  • Kickoff Event - Redefining Masculinity for the Modern Age: 2 February 2023 h 7 - 8 pm - online
  • Workshop 1 - Why Men should become Allies for Gender Balance: 16 March 2023 h 7 - 8.30 pm - online
  • Workshop 2 - How to Become Inclusive Leaders: 5 April 2023 - h 3 - 6 pm - in person
  • Closing Event - Men and women Working Together for Impact: 5 April 2023 - in person (evening) h 7pm

The workshops will be held in English.

The program is sponsored by Arkadia Translations.



For more information, please contact professionaldevelopment@pwnmilan.net

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