For those who missed PWN Milan Networking Aperitivo - How To Trump Stress | 02 May 2018

27 May 2018

There are many factors in our lives that can cause stress. Things like work deadlines, financial troubles, personal life management (family, houseworks), congested traffic and arguments. It definitively seems that stress is everywhere.

Stress is a natural reaction, as the body tries to deal with any negative pressures placed on it. Stress can become a problem when these pressures become overwhelming, and in some cases, can be a precursor to anxiety disorders and depression. Body releases adrenaline and cortisol, heart beats faster and this means that stress is effectively increasing cardiovascular disease and mental and physical disorders.

Thankfully, stress is very manageable.

In fact, the simple realization that you’re in control of your life, is the foundation of managing stress. Stress management is all about motivation and taking charge: of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. No matter how stressful your life seems, there are steps and exercises you can take to relieve the pressure and regain control. 

Eliminate the HAVE TO verb from your mind, for example, that would be really good for you.

The real key is how we translate stress to us. Changing mind can help to afford our “personal Everest”.

Pain is there but by reinforcing it you can manage to take care of you.

Recent studies confirm that stress can even help you perform better. This is often seen in students when studying for exams, or in athletes as they prepare for competition. 

Medical researches assert that body in fact releases hormones that actually help body for new challenges.

Think about vaccines, they stress the body before doing the right thing for the health.

Our great speaker - Hooda Soodi, Executive Coach and PWN Milan Personal & Professional Development Director - shared a video fron Stanford University which actually perfectly showed us how stress is even helpful for the body and how it is important to cultivate a mindset that embraces stress, and activates the brain's natural ability to learn from stressful experiences. Following, for those who missed it here is the link

Hooda reccomended also to read “The upside of stress” written by Kelly McGonigal Ph.D. The book explains that stress can be useful whether you understand how to manage it.

So ladies, go out of your own stress and do something, do something also for others. Animals can help too.

Take a deep breath and think positive and transform your anxiety into a positive huge energy though life.


Enjoy it! Stay tuned and see you at the next event!


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