Flavia Fabrizi
Marketing Director, PWN Milan
From Rome to Milan I transitioned from studying Psychology and Social Processes to Communication Theory and Technology. As a Digital Communication Specialist through support, consulting, and training activities in digital marketing, I help freelancers and SMEs promote themselves online.
My connection with PWN Milan is deeply personal. I joined the association seeking support, motivation, and the opportunity to share experiences. Through PWN, I've had the privilege of meeting extraordinary women who've been a true inspiration. Now, I'm eager to leverage my position as Marketing Director to bring in and empower other women who like me are looking for transformative female influence.
I dream of a world where organizations like PWN become obsolete. I envision a realm where gender equality and female empowerment are the norm, where phrases like "work-life balance" lose their meaning, and webinars on personal finance principles for freelancers carry no gender-specific labels.
Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end!
Email: marketing@pwnmilan.net